Thursday 24 March 2016

Freestyle Part 5

Part 5 of our Easter Freestyle Series
By Storyteller Julie Wilkinson


Remember me.

Two words. In the dark of that close night, two words, as hands broke bread and offered it to them.

And in the days and weeks and months and years that followed, they remembered…

Hands that beckoned, welcomed, redefined them, from fishermen and tax collectors to itinerant revolutionaries walking in the borders of a blazing and unsettling light.

Hands that changed, transformed, and healed, banishing shadows from body and soul and clearing the way for divine restoration.

Hands that turned tables, overturned order, and brought peace, raising those who dwell in the dust to take their place at the banquet.

Hands that held wood, saw and plane, hammer and nails, hammered nails, held nails, knew nails.

Remember me.

Two words. In the dark of that close night, two words, and a mouth that drank from the cup and offered it to them.

And in the days and weeks and months and years that followed, they remembered…

Words that inspired, disarmed, and confused, offering a glimpse of a glory they couldn’t fully grasp.

Words that challenged, undid, and remade, taking the truth and cracking it open and leading them to its clear and unfathomable heart.

Words that compelled, and commanded, and called, to take up their tools and join the rebuilding of the kingdom.

Words that were woven, and spoken, and shouted, and whispered, and drawn painfully out, “It is finished.”

“It is finished. It is coming.”

“Take this and eat. Take this and drink.”

“Remember me.”

Matthew 26:17-30
Mark 14:12-26
Luke 22:7-23

For Julie's retelling of The Last Supper, click here.

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