Wednesday 8 November 2017

Sparks of Hope: The Christmas Resource

Breathe fresh life into the Christmas story with Sparks of Hope, a brand new nativity resource from storyteller Julie Wilkinson.

The Zephaniah Trust is pleased to present our brand new Christmas resource for 2017. 

Sparks of Hope: The Christmas Resource is a collection of original scripts and stories from our storyteller, Julie Wilkinson, which can be used in churches, schools and communities to share the Christmas story. Contents include two all-age nativity scripts (The Historians' Nativity and The Innkeeper’s Nativity), The Walking Nativity script, and The Midnight Nativity (a set of stories for the stillness and the quietness of Christmas Eve).

Every script and story in the resource book has been written, tried and tested within a church context, resulting in a collection of engaging, dynamic pieces that have been proven to work. Each piece comes with a set of explanatory notes including helpful production hints to take the strain off nativity preparations.

Copies of the book cost £10, plus £2 p&p, and can be ordered direct from the Zephaniah Trust on 01274 533732 or

What they say…

“The sure sign of an authentic storyteller is that they coax us to remember ‘the sparkle and the special’ of that which we may have forgotten, or misplaced. In Julie Wilkinson’s stories and dramas centred on the Nativity, it is as if we, the watchers, become child-like innocent again, eye witnesses to the ‘hidden sparks of glory’. Through Julie’s lyricism the familiar account becomes newly told, revealing moving depths of wonder and revelation. An ‘atmosphere’ of grace is unwrapped, and hence, becomes a gift for us all.”     
Stewart Henderson, poet and broadcaster

“With her characteristic flair, humour and storytelling genius, Julie Wilkinson has here provided a fabulous resource for the Festive Season that will engage the hearts and minds of all ages. Whether your focus is to share the Christmas story in your community; to add spiritual depth to the Carol Concert; or simply to bring a bit of sparkle to a tired old Crib Service - Julie’s helpful production hints, clear stage directions and lively scripts do most of the hard work for you! So crack out the crooks; untangle the tinsel; dust off the donkey and get ready for an Incarnation Celebration that is joyful, poetic and profound. Now … where did I put that star?”     
The Revd Canon Clare MacLaren, Canon for Music and Liturgy - St Nicholas’ Cathedral, Newcastle

“A really great resource - the Walking Nativity is inspired, why should walks of witness only be reserved for Good Friday? The style is light and in The Historians’ Nativity, I appreciated referencing the difficulties and history of the biblical story of birth. Julie’s materials are brilliant in looking for something that engages, tells the biblical story and invites humour. They are explained well and  allow those that are planning to have a good overview of what they need and how to put it together well. They are the complete package.”     Revd Kezia Robinson, Home Mission Enabler - Yorkshire Baptist Association, and Minister - Wakefield Baptist Church

“Julie has the rare ability not just to bring the scriptures to life but also to shine a light on the commonplace and easily overlooked. She is skilled at presenting a serious message with deft humour and an extraordinary insight. Christmas in Wrose would just not be the same without one of these delightful offerings.”     
Revd Colin Blake, Vicar - St Cuthbert’s Church Wrose


Julie Wilkinson has been writing for as long as she can remember, discovered she was a storyteller in 2002, and has worked for the Zephaniah Trust since 2003. Since then, she has taken her traditional performance style into many schools, churches and community settings across Bradford and beyond, sharing Bible stories and folk tales, original material and borrowed stories. She has a gift for bringing stories to life, discovering the magic within the mundane, and connecting with audiences of all ages. She is a firm believer in all-age ministry and is committed to the premise that adults have as much to learn from children as the other way round. She grew up in a Methodist church, spent her young adulthood in a Baptist church, and is currently connected to an Anglican church, where she arrived via GraceSpace, a fresh expression. She is part of a small community called Meadhall, who gather regularly around God’s table and God’s story.

The Zephaniah Trust is a small Christian charity using music and the arts to “take light into dark corners” across Bradford and beyond. Every year, our team of part-time workers reach over 10,000 children in schools throughout the city, providing assemblies, lessons, workshops, events and more. Founded by John Froud in 1994, the Trust is committed to working with those of all faiths
and none to make the world a better place. 

Contact us on 01274 533732  or

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